Lake Aeration

Pond Aeration Airmax® Aeration Systems utilize a shore-mounted air pump that delivers compressed air to a synergistic diffuser plate on the pond's bottom. As the air rises from the diffuser plate it creates a convection current that slowly and steadily turns the water body over. Bringing the bottom waters up to the top to interact with the atmosphere not only adds oxygen to the water but circulates as well. This circulation eliminates the thermocline (water separated into multiple layers based on temperature) and oxygen is allowed to the pond's bottom. This creates the perfect environment for aerobic beneficial bacteria to thrive and the water column will become clear.

By taking a PROactive approach to pond management, you will be aggressively addressing the root of the problem — excessive nutrients. Give the PROactive approach a try... you have nothing to lose — other than nutrients and muck. We GUARANTEE you will be more than happy with the results!

More information on Lake Management

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